This is Environment Art i created for a mobile game called 'Cuddle Pets: Dogs' in the Unity 3D engine. The idea was to have a suburb-like house backyard one could customize and upgrade, where the pet (dog), one you could train, play with and dress up, would live.
I was brought onto the team at Powerhead Games late in the design process and was tasked with figuring out logistics for the project; polygon counts, texture allowance, shaders, etc... I built test scenes and ran a whole lot of profiler builds. With the gleaned information i built all of the environments for the game. I also created art guidelines and design documnets for all of the games items which included color coded dog-care items and clothing. I oversaw production of all of the items, by other artists and outsource team, as well as created the ones shown above, myself. Later in the project I started prototyping a "dog-walking" minigame shown in the 'down-the-street' screenshots. The front of the house shot was used as an intro/main-menu screen.