Wizard-Knight Tower

Maya, Photoshop, UDK - work in progress


This project came out of an older project which I have come back to every once in a while.  This newest iteration combines two projects, which will hopefully work well together.  The top of the tower is a plan to create a richly detailed and cluttered 'workshop' for an alchemist or medieval inventor. The area around it was a plan to build the ruins of a castle, overgrown with vegetation.  Since that was dragging on way too long I decided to make the area around the tower a lot smaller and perhaps build out from there at a later time.  For now it will be as it is and I will probably switch my focus to the 'workshop.'

The only thing which was not modeled or textured by me is the sky, which is the standard UDK-startup-scene sky. The rocks in the breakdown images have a simpler Material applied to them; for this scene I added an axis-based blend material with the grass used on the terrain laying on top of the rocks.

Below is a set of pictures form the older project that spawned this.